Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Siniša Petrović, Jan Torjanac: Odgovorno kreditiranje de lege lata i de lege ferenda – opća pitanja

Odgovorno kreditiranje de lege lata i de lege ferenda – opća pitanja


Dr. sc. Siniša Petrović, profesor Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb;;


Jan Torjanac, mag. iur., odvjetnički vježbenik, odvjetničko društvo Korper & partneri, Prilaz Gjure Deželića 16, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


Odgovorno kreditiranje i njegovo podrobnije uređenje novina je u hrvatskom pravu. Zakon o kreditnim institucijama i Zakon o zaštiti potrošača ne sadržavaju posebne odredbe koje bi u užem smislu uređivale pitanje odgovornog kreditiranja. Zakon o potrošačkom kreditiranju dotiče se obveze procjene kreditne sposobnosti relativno površno, dok je Zakon o stambenom potrošačkom kreditiranju s druge strane vrlo detaljno propisao obveze kreditnih institucija glede procjene kreditne sposobnosti potrošača. U radu se analizira jesu li i u kojoj mjeri de lege lata propisi usklađeni s pravnom stečevinom EU-a te dijele li se regulatorne mjere na one koje pripadaju u područje kreditiranja stricto sensu i ostale regulatorne mjere. S tim u vezi iznose se prijedlozi de lege ferenda uređenja u smislu konkretizacija određenih odredaba direktiva, a od neregulatornih mjera pro futuro predlažu se modeli financijskog i pravnog opismenjavanja jer odgovorno kreditiranje mora imati naličje u financijskoj odgovornosti potrošača.

Ključne riječi
odgovorno kreditiranje; procjena kreditne sposobnosti; pravo zaštite potrošača; financijska odgovornost;pravna stečevina

Hrčak ID: 217852


Stranice: 37-58


Responsible Lending de lege lata and de lege ferenda – General Questions


Siniša Petrović, Ph. D., Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, Zagreb;;


Jan Torjanac, LL. M., Legal Trainee, Korper & partneri, Prilaz Gjure Deželića 16, Zagreb;; ORCID ID:


Responsible lending and its more detailed regulation is a novelty in Croatian law that has gradually developed normatively under the influence of the acquis communautaire. The Credit Institutions Act and the Consumer Protection Act do not contain special provisions that would relate to the issue of responsible lending in the strict sense. The Consumer Credit Act addresses the obligation of creditworthiness assessment in a relatively superficial manner, while the Mortgage Consumer Credit Act on the other hand prescribes in detail the obligation of credit institutions to assess consumer creditworthiness. These rules aim at increasing the probability that consumers will be able to meet their credit obligations on a regular basis. The assessment seeks to achieve a balance between the idea of incorporation and protection of credit institutions from consumers who are not creditworthy. The regulations are largely in line with the acquis communautaire, although Croatia has failed to specify the implementation of certain provisions. Thus, de lege ferenda, regulatory measures can be divided into those that fall within the field of lending stricto sensu and other regulatory measures, where an example of the former is a more concrete arrangement of the legal consequences in case of approving the loan to a consumer who, according to the assessment, would not be creditworthy. A de lege ferenda proposal for other regulatory measures or measures of economic policy would be the solution of the housing issue through the institute of protected long-term rent. Lastly, responsible lending, though primarily directed at credit institutions, must also have a backbone in the form of financial responsibility of consumers, and therefore non-regulatory measures aimed at consumer education are proposed.

responsible lending; assessment of creditworthiness; consumer protection law; financial responsibility;acquis communautaire

Hrčak ID: 217852


Pages: 37-58