Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Marija Pijaca, Božena Bulum: Insurance of Risks Under the Bareboat Charter Contract

Insurance of Risks Under the Bareboat Charter Contract

Marija Pijaca ; Maritime Department, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia; mpijaca@unizd.hr
Božena Bulum, Adriatic Institute, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia; bbulum@hazu.hr



The bareboat charter contract may appear to be a simple contractual relation: the owner gives to the charterer a vessel for the performance of a sea-going activity, and charterer pays hire to the owner. However, this contractual relation is very complex and the complexity of this contract can be seen in the complex system of legal relations of the parties that arises from the provision of vessel for use. Based on the complexities of mutual rights and obligations of the parties to a bareboat charter contract, an issue of insurance also arises in a very complex form. The hull and machinery insurance and liability insurance are intertwined and therefore there is a very real possibility that some interests might be missed and left uninsured. Therefore, it is necessary to establish with certainty who is obliged to take out hull and machinery and liability insurance and to establish all other aspects of insurance specific for this type of vessel employment. The aim of this paper is to ascertain the characteristics of bareboat charter contract insurance, especially hull and machinery and liability insurance, and, also, to analyse the manner in which the issue of bareboat charter contract insurance is standardized by the provisions of the BIMCO Standard Bareboat Charter, code name BARECON 2001. This standard contractual form is most often used in the practice of bareboat charter contracting and therefore it is deemed necessary to establish whether or not its provisions provide broad enough coverage of bareboat charter contract insurance. By analysing the insurance provisions of the standard contractual form BARECON 2001, the authors provide a conclusion as to whether or not the specified provisions meet the interests of the parties to a bareboat charter.

Key words: bareboat charter; hull and machinery insurance; liability insurance; insurance provisions of the BARECON 2001

Full text: http://hrcak.srce.hr/176830

Pages: 85-105



Rizici osiguranja kod ugovora o zakupu broda

Marija Pijaca, Pomorski odjel Sveučilišta u Zadru, Zadar, Hrvatska; mpijaca@unizd.hr
Božena Bulum, Jadranski zavod Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, Hrvatska; bbulum@hazu.hr


Ugovor o zakupu broda može se činiti jednostavnim ugovornim odnosom: zakupodavatelj daje zakupoprimatelju brod na uporabu radi obavljanja plovidbene djelatnosti, a zakupoprimatelj plaća zakupodavatelju zakupninu. Međutim, riječ je o iznimno složenom ugovornom odnosu koji se ogleda u kompleksnom sustavu pravnih odnosa ugovornih stranaka koji proizlazi iz davanja broda na uporabu. U skladu s kompleksnošću međusobnih prava i obveza stranaka iz ugovora o zakupu broda u prilično složenom obliku javlja se i pitanje osiguranja. Interesi osiguranja broda i odgovornosti međusobno se prepleću pa je lako moguće da neki interes promakne i ostane neosiguran. Zato je potrebno sa sigurnošću utvrditi tko je dužan osigurati brod, osigurati se od odgovornosti te utvrditi ostale oblike osiguranja specifične za tu vrstu iskorištavanja broda. U ovom radu cilj je utvrditi obilježja osiguranja kod ugovora o zakupu broda te, također, analizirati način na koji je pitanje osiguranja zakupljenog broda normirano odredbama BIMCO-ova standardnog ugovornog obrasca o zakupu broda, kodnog naziva BARECON 2001. Isti ugovorni obrazac najčešće se koristi u praksi ugovaranja zakupa broda, pa se smatra potrebnim utvrditi predviđaju li odredbe standardnog ugovornog obrasca dovoljno široko pokriće osiguranja za trajanja ugovora o zakupu broda. Analizom i tumačenjem odredaba o osiguranju standardnog ugovornog obrasca BARECON 2001 autorice iznose zaključak zadovoljavaju li naznačene odredbe interese stranaka iz ugovora o zakupu broda.

Ključne riječi: ugovor o zakupu broda; osiguranje broda; osiguranje od odgovornosti; odredbe o osiguranju obrasca BARECON 2001

Full text: http://hrcak.srce.hr/176830

Stranice: 85-105