Knowledge and understanding
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- define principles of social psychiatry in the context of modern approaches to social psychiatry;
- evaluate and recognise social and psychiatric context in persons with mental disorders;
- explain theoretical and practical approaches to persons with mental disorders from the standpoint of social psychiatry;
- recognise diagnostic categories of mental disorders, needed therapeutical and rehabilitory treatments, and ethical principles and legal regulation connected with persons with mental disorders;
- indicate all important areas of social workers' activity in the area of social psychiatry;
- explain research methods and ethical principles that are the foundation for original thinking and scientific research in social psychiatry.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- indicate and describe principles of social psychiatry;
- understand the influence of social context on prevention, appearance, treatment and rehabilitation of individual mental disorders;
- organise multidisciplinary approach to a person with mental disorders;
- plan the usage of individual preventive, diagnostic, therapeutical and rehabilitory psychosocial interventions;
- apply acquired knowledge in the area of activity of social workers.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- catewgorise symptoms of mental disorders in diagnostic categories and according to their capacity for personal, family, work and general social functioning;
- demonstrate the position of persons with mental disorders with regard to personal and social context;
- analyse the selection of needed interventions and cooperation with multidisciplinary diagnostic-therapeutical team;
- compare and test efficiency of psychosocial interventions.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- interpret symprtoms of mental disorders in accordance with individual diagnostic categories;
- connect mental disorders with the social context and individual characteristics of persons with disorders;
- formulate the plan of the most effiicient psychosocial interventions;
- form a multidisciplinary approach to persons with mental disorders in accordance with individual needs and capacities of their personality;
- propose improvement of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitory psychosocial programs.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- assess principles of activity of social workers in the context of social psychiatry;
- evaluate multidisciplinary approach to prevention, treatment and rehabilitatioon of persons with mental disorders;
- compare nefficiency of individual psychosocial interventions in accordance with diagnostic, personal and social context of persons with mental disorders;
- examine implementation and improvement of psychosocial interventions;
- indicate areas of scientific-research interest.