After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Define civil service law and determine the relation between civil service law and other branches of law, especially labour law. Similarities and differences between civil servant's and labour relation. General and special civil service law. Main legal institutes of civil service law, such as competition and other forms of recruitment, basic rights and obligations of civil servants, principle of legality in performing civil service, education, promotion, appraisal, determining salary, disciplinary responsibility and manners of termination of civil service, right of civil servants to organise in trade unions, collective negotiation and strike. Differences in legal position of state and local servants.
Explain historical development of civil service law, modern tendencies of introducing private law elements in the regulation of legal position of civil servants.
Indicate: political and other factors of different models of regulation of legal order of civil servants. Sources of law relevant for the regulation of legal position of civil servants.
Recognise: relevant substantive law and legal institute for the regulation of certain legal issue related to legal position of civil servants and determine which procedure to apply to resolve this issue.
Critically evaluate: proposals for changing legal position of civil servants. Proposals for making general and individual legal acts thatregulate legal pšosition of civil servants.
Discuss: different models of regulating legal position of civil servants and main problems connected with the influence of legal position of civil servants on ensuring the efficiency of civil service.
Report: about possible resolutions of legal issues connected with the legal position of civil servants.
Select: relevant law to be applied to a certain legal problem connected with legal position of civil servants.
Interpret: relevant law.
Conduct: procedures for determining legally relevant facts and deciding about disputable and indisputable issues from the area of civil service law.
Apply: relevant law to determined facts and make or propose making of an appropriate decision connected to the legal position of civil servants.
Use: different databases of legal sources, court practice and literature about legal position of civil servants.
OUtline:drafts of decisions, decisions and other individual legal acts and general normative acts that regulate more complex legal issues from the area of civil service law.
Illustrate: different possibilities for resolving certain legal issues and different outcomes of these possibilities.
Distinguish: different types of civil servants and the relation between civil servants and officials and employees.
Analyse: factual and legal aspects of certain legal issue connected with legal pšosition of civil servants. Legal, financial and other effects of proposed legal solutions.
Calculate: salary, salary compensation, severance pay and the period of putting civil service on disposal.
Examine: relevant court and administrative practice, and literature related to certain issue of legal position of civil servants.
Compare: legal position of civil servant and employed person. Legal, financial, social and other consequences of the application of certain solution to the regulation of the legal position of civil servanta.
Indicate: proposals optimal for resolving certain issues connected with ther legal position of ciivl servants.
Resolve: issues from the area of civil service law.
Categorise: types of persons in civil service, types of civil servants, manners of recruitment, manners of promotion of civil servants, manners of appraisal of civil servants, disciplinary actions, disciplinary sanctions and disciplinary bodies, manner of determining salaries of civil servants, manners of transfering civil servants to other jobs, manners of termination of civil service.
Prepare: draft of plan for employment in civil service, draft of a regulation about internal organisation of state administration body, draft of decision about employment in civil service, distribution to a workplace, transfer, decision about the initiation of disciplinary procedure and decisions about disciplinary rasponsibility, decision about the termination of civil service.
Plan: recruitment to civil service, costs of employing new staff, education and training of civil servants, appraisal and promotion of civil servants.
Propose: making plans and decisions connected with the work of civil servants. propose changes of the regulation about the organisation of certain state body and rules and regulations about internal organisation of a state administration body.
Formulate: proposals for making individual and general acts connected with the legal position of civil servants.
Organise: work of the unit for human resources management in a state administration body.
Distribute: tasks to individual members of the units for human resources management or other members of a team in charge of resolving a certain legal issue connected with the legal position of civil servants.
Manage: human resources unit or organisations units of a state administration body.
Assess: which out of offered legal solutions is the most appropriate for resolving a certain issue connected with the legal position of civil and local servants.
Recommend: how to emply a new employee in a state administration body, how to categorise jobs in state and local service, how to conduct professional appraisal of civil servants, how to regulate working hours, breaks and salaries of civil servants, how to initiate disciplinary procedure and what decision to make about discipplinary responsibility of civil servants, how to regulate relations with trade union that represents civil servants.
Examine: the influence of regulating a certain issue connected with the legal position of civil servants on efficiency of performing civil service.
Evaluate: plan of employment in civil service, draft of the decision about change of the regulation about internal organisation, proposals of individual acts about regulation about the legalposition of civil servants.
Compare: different systems of regulation of the legalposition of civil servants and estimate their contribution to the efficiency of civil service.
Select: the most appropriate legal solution for a certain issue connected with the legal position of civil servants.
Knowledge is assessed through seminar,mid-term examinations, seminar papers, written and oral examinations.
Mid-term examination is a written or oral form of testing knowledge in which the student has to prepare a decision for a hypothetical factual situation (individual administrative act) on the basis of selecting relevant legal sources and appropriate administrative and court practice.
Seminar paper is a shorter written analysis of an important legal problem from the area of civil service law that demands the study of relevant literature, legal sources, court and administrative practice and which results in the student's own conclusions about the analysed problem. The conducted analyses has to satify all criteria for the preparation of a professional paper. Usage of foreign literature and databases is particularly valued. the students publicly present conducted analysis and its conclusions to the seminar group. Other students critically evaluate the analysis and its conclusions and the student has to be able to answer formulated questions and critical remarks.
Written examination
Written examination consist of five shorter essays in which the student has to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of main characteristics of civil service law, its relation with labour law and ability to categorise different persons in civil service and application of relevant law to those persons. Understanding of basic institutes of civil service law is particularly tested, so the student has to be able to describe a certain legal institute, determine prerequisites for its application and assess legal and other consequences of the application of certain legal institutes. Essays have to be written in a manner that reflects a broader understanding of the reasons for the application of certain legal institutes and consequences of its application.
Oral examination
Oral examination consists of testing the understanding of basic theories and institutes of civil service law, reproducing theoretical explanations and standpoints and the position of the court practice about individual institutes, comparison of different civil service systems and legal institutes that are characteristic for them, demonstrating the ability to apply relevant sources of law on resolving certainlegal issues and problems, and evaluating individual legal solutions considering their influence on the realisation of legitimacy and efficiency of civil service.