Learn Croatian

If you are interested in learning Croatian during your stay in Zagreb, we recommend the university program called CROATICUM.

CROATICUM – Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language is the oldest and largest institution engaged in teaching, research and description of Croatian as a second and foreign language. It is part of the Department of Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the largest Croatian academic institution specialising in social studies and humanities. Croaticum is renowned for its tradition, expertise and knowledge.

Croaticum is attended by students of international universities who study at the University of Zagreb through different mobility programmes, descendants of Croatian emigrants, those who learn Croatian because they work in Croatia or because they have moved or are planning to move to Croatia, and other people who want to learn Croatian for a number of different reasons.

The duration and content of the courses have been adapted to cater for the needs of different students, with classes organized at different levels in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B2.2, C1). All Croaticum programmes are accredited university programmes open to students and the general public as life-long learning programmes.


Administration Process and Documents

  1. Contact the Centre for Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language – CROATICUM by sending them directly an email with an inquiry about the possibility of attending the language course. For more information on how to apply and enrol, please chech the following links:



  1. If you decide to enrol in CROATICUM program you must include it in your Learning Agreement.
  2. Upon completion of the course, after having passed the final exam, in order to register the obtained ECTS credits and grade in our faculty system, you will need to send the Certificate you have been awarded for attending Croatian Language Course to our International Mobility Office: imo©rgan.hr
  3. After receiving the Certificate, the obtained ECTS credits and grade will be visible in Studomat and therefore also visible in your Transcript of Records – a document you will receive at the end of your mobility.


For more information, please visit the following links: