Health Insurance

During their stay in Croatia all exchange students are required to have health insurance.


EU/EAA Students

All EU/EAA students need to bring their European Health Insurance Card that shall be valid for the entire mobility period to be spent in Croatia.


Non-EU/EAA Students

All non-EU/EAA students are required to have the travel medical insurance valid during the entire mobility period. The ensured cover must be at least 30,000 EUR and include repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical care and/or hospital emergency treatment. When applying for the first temporary permit, students need to submit a proof of medical insurance upon arrival to Zagreb, Croatia.


Students Coming from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro and Serbia

Students coming from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro and Serbia that have health insurance with the national health insurance provider in their home country, may bring a proof of the health insurance of their home country – the so-called “bolesnički list”. Upon arrival to Zagreb, students will report to the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (Hrvatski zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje – HZZO) and submit the so-called “bolesnički list” at:
Odjel za međunarodnu suradnju / Department for international cooperation
Branimirova ulica 37


The Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) will issue a document that enables exchange students to use the health services within the Croatian health system. Such document will be issued without any additional charges.