Law of International Organizations
Chair of International Law
Law of International Organizations
Code: 61355
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Davorin Lapaš
Basic data
Law of International Organizations 4.0 61355
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Davorin Lapaš

Tuesdays, at 2 pm

Ćirilometodska 4, room 24
REQUIRED: D. Lapaš; Pravo međunarodnih organizacija; Narodne novine, Zagreb (2008), str. (krupni i sitni slog)
REQUIRED: J. Andrassy, B. Bakotić, M. Seršić, B. Vukas; Međunarodno pravo 1; Školska knjiga, Zagreb (2010), str. 74-80 (krupni i sitni slog)
REQUIRED: Povelja Ujedinjenih naroda, Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori, br. 15, 1993.; , str
RECOMMENDED: C.F. Amerasinghe; Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations; Cambridge University Press (2005), str
RECOMMENDED: J. Andrassy; Liga naroda: njezino ustrojstvo i djelovanje; Zagreb (1931), str
RECOMMENDED: J.-P. Cot, A. Pellet (ur.); La Charte des Nations Unies; Economica, Paris (1991), str
RECOMMENDED: B. Simma (ur.); The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary; Oxford University Press (2010), str
RECOMMENDED: D. Lapaš; "Quelques reflexions concernant la question de la 'constitutionnalite' dans le cadre de l'O.N.U.", Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, sv. 51, br. 5; (2001), str
RECOMMENDED: D. Lapaš; Međunarodne nevladine organizacije kao subjekti međunarodnog prava; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (1999), str
Concept of International Organizations Law. Sources of International Organizations Law. Concept of international organizations. Historical development of international organizations. International legal personality of international organizations. Membership of international organizations. Organs of international organizations. Acts of international organizations. Internal law of international organizations. Privileges and immunities of international organizations and international officials. International organizations and responsibility in international law. International organizations and dispute settlement. Reactions of international organizations to internationally wrongful acts. Financial issues of international organizations. Amendments to constituent instruments ("constitutions") of international organizations. Termination of international organizations and issues of succession. International non-governmental organizations. Relations between international organizations. United Nations Law. Specialized agencies of the United Nations. Regional organizations.
Exam dates