After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Define social law and concept and systems of social security within social law regarding the existing national regulation, modern tendencies of regulation in comparative legal systems and obligations and relations that result from the EU membership.
Explain systematisation, divisions and historical development of social law and the concept and system of social security within social law; the relation between national social security law and international and European standards i.e. domestic, international and European sources of social law; economic and social significance of social security law in different models through which the concept of social security is realised and in different social security systems. Also explain the significance of social law in the context of fundamental and constitutional rights. This relates to general social security systems for cases of old age, disability, death of the family provider, accident at work and professional illnesses, illness (health care and allowances in case of illness), unemployment, maternity, the need for long-term care and help and special family needs, particularly within health insurance system, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, social welfare, maternity and parental allowances and child allowances.
Indicate economic, social, legal, political and other aspects and elements of the development of social law, particularly the significance of fundamental and constitutional rights for social law. International and national normative sources and acquis communautaire important for the regulation of social relations in the Republic of Croatia and adequate court and constitutional court practcice and practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court are emphasised.
Recognise modern issues connected to social law and social security systems within social law, primarily problems of privatisation and reorganisation of social security system, harmonisation and coordination of social security system and main problems of the Croatian social security system.
Critically evaluate proposals proposals for normative regulation of issues from the area of social security within social law.
Discuss proposals for normative regulation of issues from the area of social law.
Report about problems connected with social security systems within social law, particularly about further development and modernisation of social security system within social law, and possible adequate solutions for them.
Select characteristics of a certain model of social security system and solutions for certain issues from the area of social law on the basis of adequately applicable domestic, European or international law.
Interpret applicable domestic, European or international law and the characteristics of social security systems based on them.
Conduct procedures of determining legally relevant facts and deciding about issues from the area of social law.
Apply knowledge in finding solutions for certain issues from the area of social law based on adequately applicable domestic, European or international law.
Use different databases about national , comparative and international legal sources, court practice and relevant legal literature in deciding and preparing about matters from the area of social law.
Outline drafts of decisions, normative acts that regulate certain matters from the area of social law or which influence the regulation of social security system within social law with the aim of their modernisation.
Illustrate different models of social security systems in different legal systems and possibilities to solve certain issues in these models and different outcomes of these possibilities.
Distinguish between characteristics of different models of social security systems within social law, problems in them or connected with them, possibilities for their solution and sources of law relevant for their solution.
Analyse problems that exist in or are connected to social security systems within social law, and the effects of their possible solutions for the rights and interests of the interested parties.
Compare possible solutions to problems of or connected with social security systems in different models of social security systems. Also compare different legal and other outcomes of proposals, approaches and possibilities for solving problems in order to select a solution of a problem of social security system within social law.
Indicate proposals, approaches and possibilities optimal for solving problems in or connected with social security systems within social law.
Prepare drafts of adequate legal acts and their explanations for solving certain problems and the development of social security systems within social law with the aim of their modernisation.
Plan preparation of appropriate legal acts and their explanations that have certain legal consequences for solving certain problems and the development of social security systems within social law with the aim of their modernisation.
Propose passing adequate legal acts and their explanations for solving certain problems and the development of social security systems within social law and their modernisation.
Formulate proposals for making or changing laws, by-laws, individual decision and similar legal acts for solving certain problems related to social security systems within social law.
Manage or participate in lower level of management and implementation in a team composed of experts from similar areas who will make adequate legal acts and their explanations for solution of certain problems and development of social security systems within social law and manage or participate in management on a lower management and implementation level in social security systems and state administration, and local and regonal self-government in connection with social security systems.
Assess which out of possible characteristics and solution, approaches and possibilities is the most adequate one for solving a certain problem related to social security systems within social law, i.e. for modernisation of social security systems within social law and assess their influence on economic and social development of the country or on social implications of a selected solution for the individual.
Recommend how to regulate certain characteristics of social security systems within social law for the purpose of their development, modernisation and optimisation of its effects.
Examine legal and social quility of the normative regulation of social security systems within social law for the purpose of its development, modernisation and optimisation of their effects.
Evaluate proposals for individual changes of thenormative regulation of social security systems within social law.
Compare legal, social, economic and other consequences of selected solutions of certain problems and changes of the normative regulation of social security systems within social law.
Select an optimal solution for a certain problem related to social security systems within social law for the purpose of its development, modernisation and optimisation of its effects..