During the practical workshop, students gain practical knowledge and skills in the field of Maritime, Transport and Insurance law.
To fulfill their obligations and gain ECTS points, students are required to attend at least 3 of 4 classes. In addition to the obligation of regular attendance, students are also required to properly carry out weekly tasks – which consists of writing an essay (legal opinion) about the case from practice that was presented by a lecturer in the class. The discussion about the issue students addressed in their essays is organized within the next class. To finally fulfill the obligations given by the practical class, a student must have positive grades of at least 70% of written essays.
Theoretical and practical knowledge inevitably needed to write essays can be acquired only on the lectures. Because of this, the participants will find it very difficult to write essays and for those essays to be positively assessed, if they had not properly attended the lectures.
At the end of the seminar the Department organizes anonymous “evaluation of the practical class” questionnaire, whose content is afterwards published on the website of the Department.