Introduction to Family Law
Introduction to Family Law
Code: 156222
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Irena Majstorović
izv. prof. dr. sc. Anica Čulo Margaletić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Barbara Preložnjak
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Šimović
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Hrabar - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Aleksandra Korać Graovac - Lectures
Basic data
Introduction to Family Law 4.0 156222
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Irena Majstorović

Thursdays 9-10,30 h, with a previous e-mail agreement

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 28/II
izv. prof. dr. sc. Anica Čulo Margaletić Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 38
izv. prof. dr. sc. Barbara Preložnjak

Tuesdays 12:00 am


Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 27/II
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivan Šimović

Thursday from 16.00 pm

with prior notice by e-mail

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 301/III
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Hrabar (Lectures)

Tuesdays from 10,00

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 27/II
prof. dr. sc. Aleksandra Korać Graovac (Lectures)

Tuesdays 10.30-12 am

(with prior notice by e-mail)

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 29/II
REQUIRED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child friendly justice (2010) - family law aspect, u: Children and non-discrimination, Interdisciplinary textbook / Kutsar, Dagmar; Warming, Hanne (ur.); Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network (2014), str. 77-90
REQUIRED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Hrabar, Dubravka: Family Law // Introduction to the Law of Croatia / Josipović, Tatjana (ur.).; Wolters Kluwer Law Business (2014), str. 217-243
REQUIRED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Korać Graovac, Aleksandra; Kroatien // Bergman/Ferid/Henrich: Internationales Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht, 208. Lieferung; Verlag fuer Standesamtswesen GmbH (2014), str. 1-22, 37-38 c, 79-88
REQUIRED: Hrabar, Dubravka; The Establishment of a European Court for the Rights of the Child as a New Contribution to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2014), str. 181-198
REQUIRED: Majstorović, Irena; Children's Participation in Family Mediation: an Example of New Challenges for Non-Discrimination // Children and non-discrimination, Interdisciplinary handbook, u: Kutsar, Dagmar; Warming, Hanne (ur.); Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network (2014), str. 91-110
REQUIRED: Majstorović, Irena; Family law and the EU - at the crossroads? // New Developments in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law, Proceedings from the International Jean Monnet Conference "New Developments in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law", Osijek 21 and 22 May 2015, u: Vinković, Mario (ur.); Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Labour (2015), str. 323-340
REQUIRED: Majstorović, Irena; The protection of elderly family members and the role of the state: a family law perspective // The future of family property in Europe, u: Boele-Woelki, K.; Miles, J.; Scherpe, J. M. (ur.); Intersentia (2011), str. 163-184
REQUIRED: Čulo Margaletić, Anica; Parents with Mental Disabilities and Protection of the Child's Interest // 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2018, Conference Proceedings, Volume 5, Modern Science, Issue 1.2; SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS (2018), str. 689-696
REQUIRED: Majstorović, Irena; The realisation of the right of the child to express his/her views- How "visible" are children in Croatian family judicial proceedings? // Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar socijalnog rada (2017), str. 55-71
REQUIRED: Hrabar, Dubravka; What is Local and What is Global in the Legal Regulation on Human Reproduction?//Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (0973-614X) 14 (2020), 3; (2020), str. 265-278
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Children's Rights within the Family; International journal of children's rights (2009), str. 561-583
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Legal status of cohabitants in Croatia // Die Rechtstellung nichtehelicher Lebensgemeinschaften - The Legal Status of Cohabitans, u: Scherpe, Jens M.; Yassari, Nadjma (ur.); Max-Planck-Institut fuer auslaendisches und internationales Privatrecht (2005), str. 399-414
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Ehescheidung, Scheidungsverfahren und Scheidungsfolgen - Laenderbericht Kroatien; Der Familienrechtsberater internationa (2006), str. 65-71
RECOMMENDED: Majstorović, Irena; Promoting intergenerational solidarity in Croatian family law system: in search of coherent and efficient solutions, u: Les solidarites entre generations = Solidarity between generations, Fulchiron, Hugues (ur.).; Bruylant (2013), str. 281-296
RECOMMENDED: Majstorović, Irena; Šimović, Ivan; The scope of the deprivation of legal capacity as a precondition for the protection of rights and dignity of persons with disabilities // Ljetopis socijalnog rada; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar socijalnog rada (2018), str. 65-86
RECOMMENDED: Preložnjak, Barbara; Šimović, Ivan; European experiences and Croatian perspectives of compensation programs in case of childhood vaccine injury // InterEU law east: journal for the international and european law, economics and market integrations; Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2018), str. 15-35
RECOMMENDED: Preložnjak, Barbara; Čulo Margaletić, Anica; Šimović, Ivan; PRESUMPTION OF MOTHERHOOD ON THE CROSSROAD OF SURROGACY ARRANGEMENTS IN EU // EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series; Faculty of Law Osijek, University of Osijek Josip Juraj Strossmayer (2019), str. 778-802
RECOMMENDED: Čulo Margaletić, Anica; Šimović, Ivan; FROM PROTECTION TO AUTONOMY AND SUPPORT - CHALLENGES OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES STANDARDS // 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences Arts, SGEM 2018, Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5, Modern Science, Issue 1.1; SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS (2018), str. 161-169
RECOMMENDED: Čulo Margaletić, Anica; The Role of Lawyers in Family Law Disputes // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2018), str. 217-241
RECOMMENDED: Majstorović, Irena; Family law and the EU - at the crossroads? // New Developments in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law, Proceedings from the International Jean Monnet Conference "New Developments in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law"; Faculty of Law Osijek, University of Osijek Josip Juraj Strossmayer (2015), str. 323-340
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; The commandment of law in family law // Law, Religion and Love - Seeking Ecumenical Justice for the Other; London / New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (2018), str. 289-305
RECOMMENDED: Hrabar, Dubravka; Bridging the Non-protection of Children's Rights Through the Optional Protocol to the CRC on Communications Procedure and a Future European Court // Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske; Akademija pravnih znanosti hrvatske (2017), str. 13-33
RECOMMENDED: Korać Graovac, Aleksandra; Family Forms and Parenthood in Croatia//Family Forms and Parenthood, Theory and Practice of Article 8 ECHR in Europe; Intersentia (2016), str. 125-144
RECOMMENDED: Majstorović, Irena; Origin of a child between tradition and reform: legal presumptions in Croatian family law//Exploring the social dimension of Europe - Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat; Verlag Dr. Kovač (2021), str. 591-601
Family law is a very important branch of law, which is within numerous legal systems analysed as a part of civil-law contents. Since it is in Croatian legal system an independent legal branch, it is considered that foreign students should be also offered such a course in English. Such an idea has already been developed, however the multiannual practice and the students' feedback indicate that it is necessary to inform the students, within a particular course, of the most important family-law issues.
This course is intended for Erasmus students as an introductory one, and the further deepening of their knowledge is already available to them within the existing course Family law, the credit value of which is 8 ECTS with the 90 hours in total.
The objective of the course is to inform the students of the most important family law issues, such as marriage, adoption or maintenance, as well as their significance in contemporary society. Students would be furthermore informed of the trends in the family law, especially from a comparative perspective. Particular attention would be paid to the issues of harmonisation and unification of family law in Europe.
Exam dates