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Human Rights Protection in Europe in the Light of Procedural Law
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Protection of human rights in Europe - procedural law aspects
Code: 166917
ECTS: 6.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Alan Uzelac
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Mihajlo Dika - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Jasnica Garašić - Lectures
Basic data
Protection of human rights in Europe - procedural law aspects 6.0 166917
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Alan Uzelac

Thursdays at 15.00h.

Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 19
Lecturer Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Mihajlo Dika (Lectures)
prof. dr. sc. Jasnica Garašić (Lectures) Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 21
REQUIRED: P. van Dijk, G. J. H. van Hoof; Arjen van Rijn, Leo Zwaak (ur.); .), Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights; Intersentia (2006), str
REQUIRED: D. J. Harris, M. O`Boyle, C. Warbrick; Law of the European Convention on Human Rights; Butterworts (2014), str
REQUIRED: J. A. Frowein, W. Peukert; Europaeische Menschenrechtskonvention (EMRK-Kommentar); Engel (2009), str
REQUIRED: Jacobs, White Ovey; The European Convention on Human Rights; (2014), str. (od prva tri komentara, studenti biraju jedan po svome izboru)
REQUIRED: A. Uzelac; The European Court of Human Rights, in: Wijffels, Alain; van Rhee, C.H. (ur.), European Supreme Courts. A Portrait through History, London: Third Millenium Publishing, 2013., 270-277; ; Third Millenium Publishing (2017), str
REQUIRED: A. Uzelac; Pravo na pravično suđenje u građanskim predmetima: nova praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava i njen utjecaj na hrvatsko pravo i praksu; (2010), str
REQUIRED: Internetske stranice Europskog suda:; , str
REQUIRED: HUDOC - slučajevi Europskog suda za ljudska prava:; , str
RECOMMENDED: J. Omejec; Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava - Strasbourški acquis; Novi informator (2014), str
RECOMMENDED: I. Goranić; Okončanje postupka unutar domaćeg pravnog sustava kao uvjet dopuštenosti tuţbe Europskoj komisiji i Europskom sudu za ljudska prava,; (1998), str. 39
RECOMMENDED: A. Uzelac; Hrvatsko procesno pravo i jamstvo pravičnog postupka iz Europske konvencije o zaštiti ljudskih prava, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci - Supplement: Spomenica prof. dr. Đuri Vukoviću, 19 (1998), str. 1005-1030; ; (1998), str. 1005-1030
RECOMMENDED: A. Uzelac; Legal Remedies for the Violations of the Right to a Trial Within a Reasonable Time in Croatia: In the Quest for the Holy Grail of Effectiveness, Revista de Processo (RePro, Sao Paolo), 35:180/2010, pp. 159-193; (2010), str. 159-193
RECOMMENDED: S. Bagić; Načelo razmjernosti u praksi europskih sudova i hrvatskog Ustavnog suda; (2016), str
RECOMMENDED: C.A. Gearty (ed.); European Civil Liberties and the European Convention on Human Rights; M. Nijhoff Publishing (1997), str
RECOMMENDED: H. C. Yourow; The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Dynamics of European Human Rights Jurispridence; ; (1996), str
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