After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- recognise institutions and professions that participate in judicial processes
- define the judiciary, judicial power and reforms of the judiciary
Understanding and application
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- describe the role of the judiciary in ensuring basic constitutional values
- explain individual and professional aspects of the independence of the judiciary
- discuss the riight of citizens to access to the judiciary and speedy procedure
- select an appropriate model of finding sources of efficient reforms of the judiciary
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- distinguish legally formulated law and its application in practice
- categorise staff in the judiciary (judges, state attorneys, assisting services, the legal profession, notaries public etc.)
Synthesis and evaluation
- evaluate the meaning of the judiciary in the European integration process
- compare domestic and foreign judicial litigation practice
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- argument their standpoints orally and in writing
- consider justifiability of law reforms and critically evaluate their successfulness
- find arguments for and against the regulation of individual institutes
The work of individual students is continuously monitored during the course, and in particular the poroficiency of the student to prepare an independent presentation on a previously determined topic. The student's skill of presenting in front of the colleagues and teachers and justification of their own points of view will also be evaluated. The final grade will be formed on the basis of an oral examination, which, in agreement with the student, can be replaced by a seminar paper written on the basis of conducted research and/or analysis of domestic and foreign litareture, and oral presentation and defense of the paper in a structured interview with the teacher. In this interview the student's knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject matter and their analytical abilities will be assessed.