Cognitive Skills:
• understand the development of different sources of fundamental rights in Europe: the Charter; European Convention, National Constitutions, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
• develop an understanding of different forms of discrimination on three levels: Council of Europe, EU law, Croatian law
• analyze the judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights and their impact on the practice of national courts
• analyze the impact of Union anti-discrimination law and the European Convention on Croatian anti-discrimination law
• explore the role of regulatory bodies, remedies and enforcement
Practical and Generic Skills:
• analyze and assess possible conflicting interpretations of provisions in the field of European anti-discrimination law;
• critically consider and argue legal issues in the field of European anti-discrimination law in relation to European anti-discrimination policy and the framework provided by international law;
• suggest possible future developments in case law in this area or recommend the adoption of new anti-discrimination rules and policies at both European and national level
Matching Assessments to Learning Outcomes:
Written and oral exam.